Thursday, April 25, 2013

Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd Vegitable

Bitter gourd is a functional vegetable with beneficial effects on health
As you know that, bitter gourd is a popular vegetable in some Asian countries, where the health benefits of the plant are well-known particularly, its ability to lower blood glucose in diabetics. Bitter gourd has been used to treat diabetes in traditional medicine and is now commercially available as tea (from fruits or leaves), juice, extracts, and pills. Although these products promise health benefits, most of the manufacturers do not offer scientifically proven data on the effectiveness of bitter gourd or their products. 
However, in recent years researchers worldwide have started to focus on the antidiabetic effects of bitter gourd. The goal is to provide safe and clear preparation and dosage recommendations so that consumers will realize the greatest benefit from consuming fresh bitter gourd or bitter gourd products.
It is scientifically proven: bitter gourd lowers blood glucose levels!
Bitter gourd treatments of cell cultures or feeding trials with laboratory animals such as mice or rats show bitter gourd does have blood glucose lowering properties. Bitter gourd is not like most medicinal drugs, which are effective only in one target organ or tissue; rather, it influences glucose metabolism all over the body.

Bitter gourd lowers dietary carbohydrate digestion

The glucose metabolism starts in the gut. Carbohydrates and sugars are metabolized to glucose (one type of sugar) before glucose is transported from the gut to the blood. Bitter gourd reduces the amount of glucose that is released into the blood by inhibiting the enzymes that break down disaccharides to two monosaccharides (e.g. glucose) (Oishi et al. 2007, Kumar Shetty et al. 2005). Bitter gourd can influence the transport channels for glucose, which also reduces glucose transport into the blood (Singh et al. 2004). This effect is important for the treatment of both Type I and Type II diabetic patients and helps to prevent high blood sugar levels after meals.
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Bitter gourd plant insulin discovered

The pancreas reacts to increasing blood sugar levels by secreting insulin into the blood. Insulin helps to transport the sugar from the blood to the skeletal muscle and the fat tissue where it is used to produce energy. Insulin will also stop the liver to produce sugar from glycogen storages and to release the sugar into the blood.
Thus, insulin is necessary to lower high blood sugar levels. In Type I diabetes, also called insulin-dependent diabetes, the pancreas does not produce or secrete enough insulin to keep blood sugar levels low. Bitter gourd has been shown to be effective in treating Type I diabetes in rats or mice by increasing pancreatic insulin secretion Yibchok-Anun et al. 2006, Fernandes et al. 2007). Additionally, scientists found an insulin-like molecule in bitter gourd (Khanna et al. 1981). Although bitter gourd may reduce the number of insulin injections required to manage Type 1 diabetes, it cannot replace insulin treatment completely or heal this form of the disease.

Bitter gourd reverses insulin resistance

Bitter gourd can play a role in the prevention and treatment of Type II diabetes, which is also called insulin-independent diabetes or adult onset diabetes. This form of the disease usually occurs in people who are overweight and inactive. In Type II diabetes, the liver, skeletal muscle, and fat tissues do not respond adequately to insulin they are “insulin resistant.” Feeding trials with insulin resistant or Type II diabetic rats and mice have shown that bitter gourd helps to prevent or reverse insulin resistance (Nerurkar et al. 2008, Klomann et al. 2010). People with insulin resistance or those with a high risk of developing Type II diabetes have a good chance to prevent and treat the disease without drugs by increasing their physical activity and changing their diet.
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Bitter gourd prevents diabetic complications

Chronically high sugar concentrations from Type I and Type II diabetes increase the risk of inflammation and oxidation in the whole body, leading to blindness, diabetic feet, kidney disease, stroke, or heart attack. Consuming bitter gourd can help prevent these complications, as it not only decreases blood sugar levels, but also has some antioxidative properties (Sathishsekar und Subramanian 2005, Klomann et al. 2010).

Bitter gourd can protect the body from other non-communicable diseases

Being overweight is one of the most important risk factors for diabetes and other diseases, and Type II diabetes is often accompanied by hypertension, high plasma cholesterol, or high plasma lipids. Together, these conditions increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. For overweight Type II diabetic patients, bitter gourd can help to improve health. In mice and rats, bitter gourd has been shown to reduce hypertension (Singh et al. 2004), plasma cholesterol (Nerurkar et al. 2008), and plasma lipids (Nerurkar et al. 2008). Apart from this, bitter gourd helps weight loss. There is also evidence that bitter gourd might be effective in cancer treatment.
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Vegetable Shop

More bitter gourd does not help more. Please be careful!

Exclusive consumption of bitter gourd, bitter gourd juice, or other bitter gourd products can lead to dangerous hypoglycemia when consumed by diabetic patients under oral drug treatment, in too high dosages, by children, or on a hungry stomach. Pregnant or breastfeeding woman should not consume bitter gourd or bitter gourd products. Although bitter gourd can help prevent insulin resistance or severe diabetic complications, it is important to consider situations in which bitter gourd may be harmful to your health.
Inline image 1 by Dr. Sandra Habicht

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Vishu Greetings Messages Wishes SMS Wallpaper

Vishu is a Hindu festival celebrated in the Indian state of Kerala. Vishu marks the beginning of Malayalam New Year, the beginning of hope and new life. It is also celebrated in the Tulunadu Region ie. Mangalore &  Udupi districts.  Vishu is  usually coming in the second week of April in the Gregorian calendar. It marks the new year in accordance with Kolla Varsham the Malayalam calendar.

In Kerala, the start of the Zodiac New Year when the sun enters into Sidereal Aries, Ashwini nakshatra is celebrated as Vishu. It is said that what one sees when one first opens one's eyes on Vishu morning is an indication of what one can expect in the year to come. Thus on Vishu, effort is made to assure one opens one's eyes before an auspicious image the Vishukkani.

While the festival is called "Vishu" only in Kerala, across India festivals sharing the same spirit such as Ugadhi in Andhra Pradesh and in Karnataka, Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra, Bihu in Assam and Baisakhi in Punjab are celebrated around the same time of year.

The most important event in Vishu is the Vishukkani. The Malayalam word kani literally means "that which is seen first," so "Vishukkani" means "that which is seen first on Vishu after waking up". The Vishukkani consists of a ritual arrangement of auspicious articles like raw rice, fresh lemon, golden cucumber, betel leaves, arecanut, metal mirror, yellow flowers konna (Cassia fistula), and a holy text and coins, in a bell metal vessel called uruli in the puja room of the house. A lighted bell metal lamp called nilavilakku is also placed alongside. This is arranged the night before Vishu. On Vishu, the custom is to wake up at dawn and go to the puja room with eyes closed so that the Vishukkani is the first sight in the new season. Reading verses from the Hindu Holy book Ramayanam after seeing the "Vishukkani" is considered auspicious.

Vishukani is arranged in the family puja room the night before by the mother in the family, the Vishukkani is a panorama of auspicious items, including images of Lord Vishnu, flowers, fruits and vegetables, clothes and gold coins.

Lord Vishnu, the preserver of creation, is the aspect of the Paramatman that is focused upon during Vishu. In jyotish, Indian astrology, Vishnu is seen as the head of Kaala Purusha, the God of Time. As Vishu marks the first day of the Zodiac New Year, it is an appropriate time to offer oblations to Lord Vishnu.

"Vishu" is celebrated with much fanfare and vigour in all parts of Kerala. Setting off firecrackers is part of the celebration, especially for children. People wear new clothes (Puthukodi) for the occasion and elders of the family give money, called Vishukkaineetam, to children, servants and tenants.

Vishu Messeges | Vishu SMS

Let us welcome this Vishu with great hope, eagerness and anticipation. 
Let us look forward to a plentiful year of joy, satisfaction, peace and prosperity.

Let this Vishu bring peace and prosperity in the lives of all.

Best wishes to you this Vishu.
May you find your true happiness
And all of your dreams come true.

Start a new life this Vishu.
Try to become a better person.
And live your life to the fullest.
Happy Vishu!

Sending my warmest greetings to you this New Year of Vishu.
May the Lord bless and guide you throughout the year!
Have a wonderful Vishu festival!

This Vishu, I’m wishing you a life filled with joy, peace and prosperity.
May you gain more strength to overcome life’s difficulties.
Have a blessed and peaceful vishu!

Let this year’s vishu be the start of your new aspirations and new goals.
Be happy and have a heart full of contentment.
Happy vishu to you!

Happy vishu to you and your family,
May your home be filled with love, harmony and peace.

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